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This November marks the UK’s biggest movement against mouth cancer and its devastating effects. In support of this important month-long charity campaign, we’d like to educate our readers on the signs, causes and preventions of this disease, so we can begin to drive change and better our chances of beating oral cancers.

Did you know…

Keep reading to discover how you can start safeguarding your oral health.

Know the Likely Causes of Cancer

Most mouth cancer cases are linked to excessive alcohol intake and tobacco consumption. Overexposure to sunlight can also increase the risk of mouth cancer as UV radiation damages the soft tissue areas of the mouth, like the lips, causing cancerous cells to grow.

There is even substantial evidence to suggest that some oral cancers are caused by sexually transmitted HPV infections. In fact, for younger patients, most mouth and throat cancers seem to be HPV-related.

Spot Cancer Symptoms Early and Acting Quickly

The symptoms of oral cancer can include but aren’t limited to :

  • One or more mouth ulcers that do not heal after three weeks
  • Unexplained red and white patches or unusual lumps
  • Unexplained or numbness in the mouth
  • Pain when swallowing
  • Swelling in the mouth lasting longer than three weeks
  • A persistent sore throat, hoarseness, or a feeling as if something is stuck in your throat

You should regularly check your mouth at home for signs of these symptoms and if you’re worried about any abnormalities, make sure to book an appointment with your dentist in Wiltshire.

Visit your Sarum Dentist Regularly

Regularly visiting your dentist in Salisbury every few weeks means they can identify any early-stage symptoms before they become a bigger problem. If you feel that you have any of the symptoms mentioned above, especially those that don’t heal or disappear within three weeks, please book an appointment with your Sarum Dental dentist.

Here at Sarum Dental Practice in Wiltshire, our patients benefit from regular cancer screenings as part of their routine check-ups. Our dentists are specially trained to spot potential issues or abnormalities within your mouth that might require further investigation. Rest assured, we work to safeguard your oral health and overall well-being.

Support fundraising efforts and awareness campaigns

Most people in the UK will have been affected by cancer in some capacity – whether through personal diagnosis or its effects have been felt via a loved one. It’s important that we continue to spread the message of awareness so that symptoms are caught early, and treatment is given before the disease takes hold. This awareness will save lives.

If you’d like to help us support the Oral Health Foundation’s campaign for Mouth Cancer Action Month, we kindly ask that you donate here.

So, if you are concerned about your oral health or it’s been a while since you’ve had a check-up, make sure to book an appointment with your local Sarum Dental dentist. Book a consultation at our dental practice in Salisbury by phoning our friendly reception team on 01722 333324 or by booking online here.