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Do you wish for a fresh, snow-white smile? Can’t remember when you last visited the dental hygienist? Now is the PERFECT time to book an AirFlow appointment with the hygiene experts at Sarum Dental in Salisbury!

What is AirFlow treatment for teeth?

AirFlow is a highly effective, state-of-the-art hygiene treatment that removes stubborn stains and harmful plaque build-up using a jet-stream combination of air, water, and fine bicarbonate powder particles.

How effective is AirFlow teeth cleaning treatment?

Here at Sarum Dental in Wiltshire, our hygienists are big fans of AirFlow due to its effectiveness in removing stains, debris, plaque, and bacteria, as well as enhancing the overall smile for a more radiant and brighter look. This method is also much less abrasive, so it is a wonderful option for patients with more sensitive teeth who perhaps wince at the thought of a regular ‘scale and polish’ clean.

AirFlow can remove the following:

  • Stubborn stains
  • Discolouration caused by smoking or by drinking red wine, coffee, and tea
  • Harmful bacteria and plaque build-up (also known as biofilm)

Are AirFlow teeth worth it?

Oh yes! AirFlow treatment at Sarum Dental has many benefits compared to the traditional scale and polish procedure. Firstly, it is a more effective cleaning option as the jet can reach up to 5mm into the periodontal pockets beneath the gum line, removing bacterial growth and plaque before it becomes a more significant issue.

AirFlow at our Salisbury dental practice is also quicker than traditional hygiene methods and can even help reduce tooth sensitivity due to the re-mineralising nature of the bicarbonate jet. AirFlow is also:

  • A painless procedure
  • Gentle to sensitive teeth and gums
  • An effective stain and debris remover
  • A surface polisher for a shiny finish
  • Chemical-free
  • Safe to use on prostheses such as crowns, bridges, and implants
  • Safe to use before and during orthodontic treatment

Can AirFlow damage teeth?

AirFlow is an entirely safe treatment and does not harm the tooth’s enamel whitening during the cleaning process. This technique is very gentle and an excellent procedure for those who experience hypersensitivity, as it is painless and does not create any temperature fluctuations that might aggravate sensitive areas of the mouth. And the best part is that the whitening effect and winter-fresh results are immediate!

Polish and perfect your smile for the holiday season with AirFlow hygiene treatment in Wiltshire! Book your appointment today by phoning our friendly reception team on 01722 333324 or by booking online here.