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The Christmas season is here, and we can’t wait for crackling fires, cracking roast dinners and the iconic Quality Street tin being passed around! But while you’re unwrapping that toffee, are you thinking about the health of your smile?

At Sarum Dental in Salisbury, we want to ensure our patients keep their oral health in top condition, even amidst all the holiday fun! So, we’ve put together our own Santa-inspired ‘naughty or nice list’ for habits that help or harm our smiles.

The Sarum Dental Nice List

  1. Visit Your Local Salisbury Dentist Regularly – Of course, the no.1 habit on our ‘Nice List’ is (drum roll, please) to visit your dentist regularly! Being up-to-date with your dental check-ups and hygiene appointments means you’re doing the most to ensure you’re keeping an eye on your oral health. Regular visits are important to spot any issues, like cavities or gum disease before they become much bigger. Luckily, the Sarum Dental team are here to keep your smile healthy with our top-notch and comprehensive check-up appointments!
  1. Brush Your Teeth Twice A Day – You knew it was coming! Brushing your teeth twice a day for two minutes is really the most standard habit you can incorporate into your daily routine to help protect your teeth. By removing plaque, you’re safeguarding your smile against decay—especially after indulging in that Christmas pudding or advent calendar!
  1. Floss Between Your Teeth Everyday – Flossing often gets forgotten in our day-to-day lives, but removing harmful debris and bacteria between hard-to-reach areas that your toothbrush can’t access is vital. Just like brushing, flossing will decrease your risk of developing cavities and potential toothache.
  1. Be Sugar Smart – Whilst it can be hard to say no to the odd candy cane, keeping sugary treats to mealtimes will help reduce the risk of decay. You can even pair your mince pie with a piece of cheese to help neutralise the acids in your mouth!

The Sarum Dental Naughty List

  1. Neglecting Your At-Home Routine – The worst thing you can do for your smile is to ignore it entirely. A simple at-home routine of brushing and flossing will do wonders for keeping your teeth and gums healthy. That’s why neglecting your smile is NO.1 on our ‘Naughty List.’
  1. Using Your Teeth As Tools – If there’s one thing that makes our Salisbury dental team cringe, it’s hearing that our patients are using their teeth as tools! Whether you’re cracking a nut (without the cracker) or using your teeth to cut a piece of Sellotape, using your teeth as tools can lead to chips, cracks and expensive dental visits!
  1. Smoking – It should come as no surprise that smoking would feature on our dentists’ Naughty List. A bad habit like this can have a disastrous effect on your smile, including bad breath, stubborn stains and oral cancer. If you’d like help to kick this habit for good in 2025, ask about our smoking cessation service at your next check-up.

With all jokes aside, Naughty or Nice, we ensure a judge-free space where our patients always feel safe and supported at Sarum Dental in Salisbury. If you’d like help to get your oral health on track in the New Year, simply phone our Reception team on 01722 333324 or book online here.